Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing Allah and God Essay - 3292 Words

Pakistan, 1986. Zahid was a Muslim priest who had been brought up to hate and kill those with conflicting beliefs, especially Christians. He often persecuted Christians in town, feeling that by doing so, he would please Allah (the Muslim god). One day when Zahid was persecuting Christians, someone dropped a Bible. Rather than disposing of it, as he normally would have, Zahid hung onto it because he felt compelled to read it and expose its errors. In short, Zahid converted to Christianity and shared the Bible’s teachings with everyone. As a result, he was considered a traitor. Zahid began to experience much of the persecution he had carried out against many Christians. For two years he was imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and eventually†¦show more content†¦Take, for example, the common trait of a monotheistic god who is creator, sustainer, and ruler of the world. Allah, like the Christian God, is seen as the most powerful being in the world; no one even comes close to co mparing to him. Similarly, no one can share power with him. Both beings also play a role in creation – they not only created the world and everything in it, but also constantly hold it together. Many people look at these similarities and, as a result, think the two beings are same. By looking at each in greater detail, though, the differences quickly become obvious. (al-Araby 44; Haneef 13-14, 15). Although both Allah and the Christian God are seen as monotheistic by their followers, Muslims see the definition of a monotheistic deity a little bit differently. Or, looking at it another way, Muslims do not understand the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. In Christianity, God is seen as one, but at the same time as having three distinct â€Å"persons† – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 says, â€Å"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.† A singular â€Å"name† is applied to the three persons. 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