Monday, January 6, 2020

The Most Monumental Undertaking Of Modern Philosophy

Control is an often acknowledged concept in ancient philosophy, discussed by the likes of Epicurus and Epictetus, among others. Often, control is articulated in regards to one’s relationship with others and their personal actions. Though the amount of things one can personally control is limited, these things are paramount and essential for living a life that is at peace and that is tranquil. I will be arguing that one’s choices/actions are the most monumental undertaking of which can be controlled, and is the ultimate contributor to happiness and equanimity. This state, known as â€Å"ataraxia†, should be used as a constant guidance and reminder, perpetuated by virtue, of which decisions are â€Å"correct† or â€Å"incorrect.† Ataraxia may be characterized as a state containing balanced contentment and repose, particularly of the mental variety. Though many philosophers, including Epicurus, Epictetus, and Sextus Empiricus address this said state of unperturbed-ness, their interpretations of how to reach ataraxia differ slightly, though all may be applied to my argument. In his The Skeptic Way, Sextus Empiricus discusses the process of achievement of ataraxia through differentiating between natural goods and bads. When one accepts that what is good and bad cannot be distinguished definitely, they must choose whether to continue pursuit of this inquiry or accept an always indefinite solution. This choice determines the path traveled either to tranquility or agitation.Show MoreRelated The Mystery of the Pyramids Essay example5058 Words   |  21 PagesBecause it is the most massive building on the planet, at least twice the volume and thirty times the mass of the Empire State Building. Because it is aligned to the true cardinal points of the compass even though no compass is known to have existed at its time of construction. 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